With more information coming out every day relating to the super soldier and secret space programs, and the MILAB induction processes; Jessica has worked with numerous individuals within the community to help with fully integrating their experiences.
Ever since the founding of the secret space programs in the 1940s, widespread abductions of individuals have been done in mass in order to establish a steady supply of personnel for these agendas. This is largely referred to as the MILAB abductions. This process largely involves the comprehensive screenings of young children, often times starting in infancy, in order to find individuals who are the proper fit for the programs.
According to Peter the Insider, many of these individuals who are pulled into MILAB related programs tend to be selected based on traits such as blood line heritage and soul lineage as its common for many recruited into the programs to be star seeds of extraterrestrial origins or to have extensive ties to the military.
Many targeted individuals tend to share commonalities in terms of having strange unexplained memories and dreams since childhood, frequent nosebleeds, and a relatively high natural interest in topics related to ETs and the secret space programs. Other common indicators can also include dreams of being in space or of being in a hospital or lab setting. Random unexplained injuries such as scratch and injection marks on the body, inability to sleep, day visions, time-slips, and recalls of other realities and experiences without any sense for context are also common.
As a result, many individuals involved in the programs will typically be attracted to content and information related to it on a subconscious level that could translate into watching many sci-fi films or being attracted to reading "conspiracy theories". Experiencing any of the above indicators is generally a good sign that one should do an inquiry into their potential involvement in the programs.
For many, the idea of being a targeted individual being unknowingly used in rogue government and corporate projects is a huge leap to take in terms of understanding and acceptance. Disbelief and denial is a perfectly normal reaction to this type of information, however many may even begin to question the purpose of such an exploration considering how disjointed it feels from a persons normal life.
The truth is that nearly all MILAB related programs deal heavily in mind control and subconscious conditioning programs designed to keep your behavior and life under tight control on unseen levels. Through the use of psychotronics based technologies, handlers are easily able to manipulate an individuals feeling and thinking state in addition to using aspects of a person's energetic body or soul signature to be used in certain agendas. With that said, any assignment that you are used for within the covert programs could easily have a bleed through effect impacting your regular every day life. Examples of this are numerous.
This is why many clients that have worked with Jessica to break free from the conditioning programs associated with the programs have been able to express greater freedom in their lives and have more options open up for them as a result of breaking free from the programs.
The first most critical thing to do once you realize your involvement within the secret space programs is to integrate your experiences within the projects and to break free of any and all mind control and conditioning programs associated with it so that you can live your life to your highest potential. The biggest hurdle for many is realizing and accepting they were involved in the first place as achieving that alone is a major accomplishment in of itself.
From here, there are a number of options you can take. You can experiment with tools such as Quantum Healing Hypnosis to recover memories of being within the programs or you can work with a trusted psychic to peer into your energetic field to observe your involvement directly.
Many of the covert programs often times rely on energetic implants and the use of your own psychic energy in order to to be used for agendas. Therefore, going through a systematic process of discovery in your involvements while also withdrawing your own energetic consent becomes critical in order to disentangle and gain more freedom and control in your life.
Today, there are many resources and authorities out there that talk about the secret space program and the special projects where you can learn a wealth of information. Its going to be largely up to you to apply your own discernment to determine what information or authority figures are relevant and authentic. However below are a set of vetted resources and links to help you in guiding your understanding.
Al Bielek is a Montauk survivor, time traveler, and scientist who took part in the Philadelphia experiment. His life story and testimony is groundbreaking in its comprehensive depth as it covers many topics ranging from MK Ultra mind control, Wilhelm Reich technology, the Montauk project, Philadelphia experiment, and time travel technology that the government had long kept secret.
Tony Rodrigues is a secret space program experiencer who had involuntarily been recruited into the 20 & back program starting as a young child. In his interview with Jessica, he details his entry into the secret space program and his process for recalling memories of his experiences and how he coped with the mental and emotional trauma that ensued over the years.
Peter Moon is an author and researcher on the Montauk project experiments. Among his most well known works include "The Montauk Project: Experiments in Time" which acts as a comprehensive explanation of what occurred from the perspective of Preston Nichols.
In this classic video, Duncan Cameron goes into his own personal account of the Philadelphia experiment and Montauk Project and the underlying technology and agendas behind it.
A comprehensive documentary that goes into the history of the U.S. Military's experimentation in MK Ultra and mind control on both military personnel and the unwitting public.
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