Interdimensional seer, psychic, disclosure actvist, and SSP Experiencer
Interdimensional seer, psychic, disclosure actvist, and SSP Experiencer
Who was I in my previous lives? Why has my life been difficult with circumstances out of my control? Why do the same type of people or patterns keep playing out in my life? These questions naturally arise to those who are spiritually evolved and wish to transcend beyond personal limitations. By doing a psychic reading to look into your Akashic record, all these questions can be answered with the proper insight and assistance necessary to learn from these experiences and to clear any necessary karma that is creating your current circumstances.
Clients often come with problems related to health, relationships, or any life circumstance. Many times the cause of these problems are astral or energetic in nature where a certain astral entity may attempt to interfere in ones life or you may have unknowingly consented to a spiritual agreement that is not serving you. Jessica has worked with many clients in identifying these entrapments and and clearing them in order to help them live more free lives.
A person's subconscious mind holds records of ones soul lineage and past lives. By going into a subtle hypnotic state, we can help you experience and see past life experiences that your higher self presents. What we find is that whatever past life experience that arises during a session is one that your higher self is finding relevant to you in your present circumstances. By doing this you may be revealing both positive and negative past life experiences. This is the point of the process to reach subconscious limitations, sorrows, triggers and even phobias. Many clients say that they experience significant shifts in their lives, or escape from stagnant circumstances as a result. A recommended option for both super soldiers and secret space program experiencers to help recall and integrate past experiences from various missions and MILABs.
Through Jessica, you can connect with spirits and higher guides so that you can communicate with those on the other side. Clients often times wish to connect with deceased loved ones for parting messages or guidance. Some also wish to connect with their higher guides for direction and guidance on their current life. For novices just beginning to explore the psychic realms, we generally don't recommend attempting to make contact on their own due to hazards of accidentally connecting with a negative entity. However Jessica is able to discern the quality of intent behind a spirit quickly to avoid pitfalls.
For years, Jessica has been closely involved with the disclosure and super soldier community and reporting on information in this space with Peter the Insider on her youtube channel. Having personally experienced the MILAB programmings and various projects in the secret space programs, Jessica is able to see past the memory blocks to peer into your super soldier and MILAB experiences.
Jessica Arael Marrocco is a psychic/intuitive, remote viewer, interdimensional seer, radio host, podcaster, owner of AndronETalks Radio, and a MILAB secret space program experiencer. Throughout her life, Jessica had always experienced both psychic and paranormal phenomena where she was able to see unexplainable events that others couldn't. As a child, she was already able to see and communicate with various entities and it wasn't until later in life that she was able to harness her abilities to assist others in their spiritual growth.
Jessica initially began her career channeling telepathic communications from various entities such as Edgar Allen Poe and Andronicus of the Andromeda star system which is documented in her book, "The Andronicus Transmissions". Later on she began working closely with clients in doing psychic clearings and akashic record readings and regressions. It was around this time when she connected with Peter the Insider of the ACIO who was able to confirm and validate much of the paranormal and bizarre events that have occurred throughout her life. This included her involvements of being taken into MILAB abductions as well as being used in the secret space and super soldier programs among many other rogue agendas.
Today, Jessica has worked with many individuals connected to the super soldier and MILAB abduction programs to help them further integrate their experiences and break free from the programming placed on them by their handlers. Jessica is also taking part on the front lines of the disclosure movement with her youtube content and AndronETalks radio station where she does regular shows with Peter the Insider to share critical intel on the secret space programs as well as various planetary shifts and trends taking place.
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