For over 5 years, Jessica has worked on the leading edge of the disclosure movement with Peter to present critical intel on the secret space programs and current events.
Since 2015, Jessica has been working with Peter the Insider from the ACIO to present disclosure intel to the public in a timely manner. The ACIO stands for the Advanced Contact Intelligence Organization and has existed since the early history of humanity to oversee and document the progression of humanity and intelligent life on earth. The primary role of the ACIO was originally to observe the progress of humanity and not interfere in their development. This eventually changed as human civilization evolved to sophisticated levels and as E.T. visitors came to visit the planet. This is when the ACIO had to take more of an active role in managing human/E.T. relations on a limited level to limit the impact of negative non-human entities from controlling and manipulating the planet. After the establishment and use of MK Ultra and mass human experimentation after World War II, the ACIO felt a greater level of urgency to begin intervention against these dangerous agendas as both a civil and military intelligence agency.
You can learn more about the full history of the ACIO here
Peter the Insider is a member of the ACIO acting as the current division 12 director based out of the Pine Gap military base in Australia. Peter is officially sanctioned by the ACIO to share intel from the ACIO with the general public and has appeared on Jessica’s show on youtube as a regular guest to share critical intel. To learn more about the ACIO, visit the official ACIO page here. You can also view Peter’s disclosure’s with Jessica here
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